PRYZM.. Im not even sure where to start with this one.
I have personally been following this project since february 2024, after I got back into crypto from a small break.
I tested out their platform while they ran it on the testnet, I played around a little on their Zealy campaign and was active on their discord.
This article might be long, but do yourself a favor..
Im not saying this project is the next $HYPE opportunity, but it is one of the most underfarmed airdrops I have seen EVER! (Because I am usually late.. Like you..)
In short, right now, only 13.500 unique wallets are farming the drop.
I myself joined the Photon campaign a few days ago with less than 100$ of liquidity, and I am already in the top 1000 wallets..
This airdrop allows you to earn a ton of “Photons” (points), with very little liquidity needed.. You just have to be smart and put your pocket change into the right pools..

What is Pryzm?
PRYZM is a layer 1 blockchain that is interconnected with the COSMOS ecosystem and blockchains.
What is special about PRYZM is their DEX and Yield protocol.
It is not your standard Uniswap v3 clone, but a complete finance platform tailored to allow the average person to utilize their assets, as if they were a corporate financial institution.. But without being as complex and requiring you to spend years in college, or research in your mom’s basement.
PRYZM allows you to utilize your assets earning potential to the full extent, by letting you access your tokens while they stake (cToken).
Not only do you get a LST (Liquid Staking Token), but you get both the Yield Generating Token (yToken) and the Principal Token (pToken).
These 2 extra tokens, can then be put to work, earning you additional rewards from their own yield.
- Website: Join Airdrop Here!
- Follow on
- Discord:
- Telegram: Join Telegram Group
This sounds too complex, ELI5 pls
Yeah.. I kinda felt the same way the first 30 minutes I tried to use the platform.
But instead of being smart and using the official documentation, then I played around, learned the basics, and then read the docs.. Should have started with the docs.
Let’s say you have $100 worth of ATOM, and you wish to earn some yield on these ATOM..
You then stake these tokens, and get your usual %7 to 20%, if you are lucky.
With PRYZM, you can earn more than 60%, as you receive both yATOM and pATOM tokens, which you can put to use to earn more yield.
1 assets turns into 3, all earning their own yield.

This is only the top of the iceberg
PRYZM is complex, but if you spend 15 minutes clicking around on their platform, it will make a lot of sense.
You can purchase principal tokens from others, which have a maturity date.
On the maturity date, the principal tokens turn into the underlying token, so pATOM turns into a regular ATOM token.
Why is that interesting? Because pATOM is sold at a discount on the platform, as some only wish to hold the yield earning yATOM.
It is basically like shorting a token, but where you know at a specific date, the asset you bought 5% to 20% cheaper, will be worth the full amount at a later date.
Options are endless really.. And right now, only major tokens like ATOM, TIA, stTIA, INJ and other giants from the COSMOS ecosystem is supported.. And of course the AUUU memecoin, which is the official memecoin of PRYZM.
Once the PRYZM token airdrops, I believe the platform will open up to a lot more tokens, or maybe even allow for full access for any token to be fully utilized.
I promise that I will write a full article, only on how the PRYZM platform works later. Back to the more time sensitive topic.. The airdrop..
PRYZM Airdrop – Underfarmed as hell
To the important part of this article for a lot of you.. No shame, im poor too..
PRYZM is going to drop their token on the 16th or 17th of January.
And you might might think “Fuck it then, im too late.. I dont have a chance, thanks for wasting my time”.
As of now, only 13.500 wallets are farming this specific part of the airdrop.
5% (50 Million tokens) of the total PRYZM tokens are allocated to this specific campaign.
If we reach a higher TVL, $10m worth of assets I believe.. Then another 5% will be added to the pot.
“Okay, fuck it.. Ill do it, how does it work?”
How to participate & Earn PRYZM
First of all, get a COSMOS supporting wallet.

You can do this on mobile or from a PC, I use Leap Wallet myself, but you can use Keplr or CosmoStation if you want to.

Once you have your wallet, sign up on the Pryzm platform, please use my referral code: KdwZM
Even if you have an account on there already, you can add my referral code to your account, if you weren’t referred by someone else.
I would really appreciate it <3

Time to move some funds onto PRYZM!
I recommend using for moving assets from both EVMs and COSMOS blockchains onto PRYZM.
Its fast, easy and your tokens are ready for use after a minute.
Time to earn some “Photons”, which are the points on PRYZM.
On the “Points Market” page at the top, you can see which assets you can hold/stake/super-stake to earn points.
Depending on the amount of risk you are willing to take, you can choose to simply stake base assets and put the yToken to work as well for additional Photons.
But you can also take higher risk, by buying yTokens to supply directly.

These yTokens offer significantly higher amounts of Photons, but the underlying assets value will highly likely drop a lot in value.
In basic terms, you are purchasing an asset which will probably only decrease in value, but the amount of Photons earned is 5x to 30x the normal amount.
(This is where someone who is willing to burn $20, is able to earn as much as someone playing it safe with several thousand dollars)
Because of the low amount of users farming, it’s easy to build up a nice bag of Photons, which is used to calculate your share of the 50 million PRYZM.
With $70 right now, I am earning an average of 800 PRYZM daily.
Some quick napkin math makes that around 28k PRYZM before TGE.
If we are unlucky, and PRYZM is a “flop” with a value of “only” $100m marketcap, then my $70 turned into $2800.
But let’s add a little dilution and use some more pessimistic numbers..
Below you can see the minimum amount of tokens I can expect, the average and best case.
$70 invested btw 😉
Amount of PRYZM | $100m Mktcap | $500m Mktcap | $1b Mktcap | $3b Mktcap |
17.500 | $1750 | $8750 | $17.500 | $52.500 |
31.500 | $3150 | $15.750 | $31.500 | $94.500 |
45.500 | $4550 | $22.750 | $45.500 | $136.500 |
If we get lucky, (look at BTC and all other tokens.. It’s amazing times) then its not unrealistic that my $70 investment is worth $1750 to $136.500.
I honestly don’t understand how PRYZM is this underfarmed..
If only I had more assets to move onto PRYZM. 🙁