What is Eclipse?
Borrowed from the Eclipse documentation:
“Eclipse Mainnet is Ethereum’s first Solana Virtual Machine (SVM) L2.
Eclipse Mainnet combines the best pieces of the modular stack:
- Settlement: Ethereum – Eclipse will settle to Ethereum (i.e., the enshrined validating bridge will be on Ethereum) and use ETH as its gas token.
- Execution: Solana Virtual Machine (SVM) – Eclipse will run the highly performant SVM as its execution environment.
- Data Availability: Celestia – Eclipse will post its data to Celestia for scalable data availability (DA).
- Proving: RISC Zero – Eclipse will use RISC Zero for ZK proofs of fraud (without intermediate state serialization!).”
Official Links
- Website: eclipse.xyz
- Documentation: docs.eclipse.xyz
- Discord: discord.gg/eclipse-fnd
- Telegram: t.me/eclipse_labs
- X.com: x.com/EclipseFND
Aaaand that means..?
It means Eclipse took the best parts of different ecosystems, and built a layer 2 solution on top of them.
The result for the end-user, is a dream coming true for most users.
In short:
- Ethereum is used as gas token, and the transaction fee is near 0.
- The smart contract engine is a Solana Virtual Machine, meaning it works just like Solana.
- Simplified: Solana is fast as fuck, so transactions are almost instant.
- Celestia is a high performance data focused chain in the Cosmos ecosystem.
- As Celestia offers one of the best data scalability solutions, it was picked as the DA solution for Eclipse.
- RISC Zero is the auditing method for Eclipse, which is highly optimized, allowing for both high speed and security.

I know it’s a lot of big words, but i’m not sure how else to say it.
Eclipse is using ETH for gas (keeps it simple), Solana engine to handle smart contracts (it’s VERY fast), Celestia for data (think of a nvme m.2 ssd with unlimited space and connected to most computers in the world), RISC Zero as the auditor to eliminate the chance of fraud (like a police officer with lightspeed reaction time).
Why should I care about Eclipse?
Well, for one.. Eclipse is the new kid on the block.
Everyone has “new shiny stuff” syndrome, but most new projects don’t have awesome tech like Eclipse.
You should care because Eclipse acts like a “god chain”, where only the best tech is used.
Currently, you won’t be able to find a L2 solution with a better tech stack than Eclipse.
It’s fast, secure, cheap, well connected and offers lots of new opportunities for airdrop junkies.
I will be sharing some of my top picks for future potential airdrops very soon!
This is only the beginning.
How to use Eclipse
First of all, you need a wallet that supports Eclipse.
For that, I highly recommend Backpack, as it offers support for Solana, Eclipse and many other chains.
Next up, you need to bridge funds onto Eclipse.
This can be done using their native bridge, or by using a third party bridge like Owlto.Finance as an example.
The native bridge only supports Ethereum for now, so use Owlto.Finance for cheaper options.
That’s it! Now you can move onto the Eclipse ecosystem and find your next DeFi hit.